The LIFT-O-MAT with dynamic damping is a gas spring whose damping properties are determined primarily through a groove in the pressure cylinder. By reducing or increasing the groove cross-section, the speed of motion can be varied over the entire stroke. Thus, the motion can be slowed down continuously, until it comes almost to a stop. By varying the groove geometry, LIFT-O-MAT can be adapted ideally to almost any application. Different compression and extensions characteristics can be realized as well as dampened approaching of intermediate positions. The LIFT-O-MAT with dynamic damping works regardless of its orientation, thereby approaching any position comfortably, without stressing hinges and joints. A typical area of application of this LIFT-O-MAT variation include doors and flaps in machine and system design, medical technology, the furniture industry, as well as other industrial applications where the piston rod swivels from top to bottom.
Additional advantages of the dynamic LIFT-O-MAT: